Sunday, June 16, 2013

What an adventure.

We started the day with a delicious breakfast cooked by Don. Allies parents were in town and her dad rode with us for Father's Day and Moma Sag carried our bags for the day. It was great.
We started with a climb over lizard head pass. It was a beautiful ride and we felt great with four riders and no bags to weigh us down. 
It was wonderful riding with Papa Wills and I want to give a special shout out to Seanbreen(oneword) for letting him borrow a bike (and The Beast for his shoes) to ride the pass with us. It was lots of fun. 

After our climb in the morning we had an epic downhill for essentially the rest of the day. Even with the climb we averaged over 14 miles per hour. We had lunch in Rico, CO and then rode on. About an hour (and twenty miles) outside of Rico, we had a little adventure. 

My arm warmers were strapped to my front rack. What, we later discovered had happened was that one of them had slipped down and gotten wedged between my brakes and my tire. What I felt, was my handlebars yanking backwards and seeing the ground rush up to meet me. I then felt my bike land on me (none of us are sure exactly when my feet unclipped from the pedals) and Allie run me over. 

We flagged down the first passing car. Which had a group of 20 year old climbers. One of whom had just finished his wilderness EMT class (but hasn't
passed the test yet.) 
We also sent someone else down the road to call 911 and Allies mom. (No service near us). 

My sunglasses broke and my helmet cracked. Woo!! We waited for the ambulance for about an hour and it was a half hour ambulance ride to the hospital. When they got the call they were sending a helicopter but we had them cancel it. Would have been cool though.. 
I was fine. The doctor cleared my spine and took me off the backboard and collar. He said it was like someone grabbed me by my feet and slammed me into the pavement. Nice thought. 

Just a bunch of road rash and sore parts.  The rest of the scrapes are in places not fit for the Internet. 

Allie thinks I fell on purpose as a sympathy ploy to get more donations (DId it work?) but really I just fell to get out of camping tonight. 

We decided to get a motel tonight and I had a painful shower. Still planning on riding tomorrow but we will see. 

Daily stats:
Miles 45
Ave speed 14.8
Elevation gain 2400
Max speed. 47.5 mph
Min speed. 0 mph
Speed at impact: 22 mph

Ground rushes upward
Allie has run me over
Bikes work best upright

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