Monday, May 27, 2013


Everything is so flat so we made great time. We finally got them to serve us in a drive through(go Burger King) but them we brought it inside because it's impossible to eat Burger King on a bike. We pulled into a campsite around 7 and it was hoppin. They were having a big event for Memorial Day. Live country band from Dallas Texas. A 'blinky parade' and a huge round bouncy thing that was super dangerous and fun. We danced a little and went to bed late because the band didn't end till 11. 

On the way there we passed a couple walking who let us fill water bottles at their hose and shared stories. The older couple told us a little about their thru-hike of the Appalachian trail that they took when they retired. So cool! We want to do that next.. 

We had a bunch of dogs chasing after us along all of our random back roads. They would almost always stop when they saw we weren't trying to get on their yards. This one place though the dog came out. Then another one. And another. And another. An another. 5 dogs barking. We stopped and they immediately became much more friendly. The owner came out and sortof looked at us then went back in side. Was a little strange. It was also hard to get moving because the dogs would chase us whenever we started up again. Was fun though. Here's the only picture I got. 

Allie fell immediately after this picture. 

Right when we walked in and started explaining our trip to the office and this nice woman immediately insists on paying for our $38 campsite. 

We also cooked dinner and then were offered corn and steak from our awesome neighbors. We ate 5 pieces of corn, two steaks and an entire box of basil pesto pasta(serves 8). Indianians are so nice!! 

Daily stats:
Miles: 77.76
Average speed: 11.71mph
Elevation gain: 1251ft

Memorial Day
Camp's crowded with friendly folk
Always past bedtime. 


1 comment:

  1. Glad we weren't the reason you all stayed up til 11! That band was quite loud :) Good luck on your trip! and we'll all keep following you.
    ~~Heather & Scott, Ethan and Tyler Kleeman (Middletown OH) but met you at the Kamp Modoc!
