Friday, May 31, 2013

Marshal IL to Vandalia, IL

It's hard to remember so far back. We are going to try to keep up with the posts a little better from now on. 

We just ended our second week on the bike. Things have been super wet and windy but overall it's been great. We stayed in more motels than we prefer but we also don't like setting up camp in thunderstorms. .

We also just passed six thousand dollars in fundraising. Thank you so much to everyone who has donated. We are almost to our goal and are so grateful to all our supporters. Citta is a great organization and the donations will be used where they will do the most good. 

Now to our day:

We woke up around 530 and are breakfast. Got almost 45 miles done by noon, which is the longest morning we've had. We had a slower afternoon but did almost 90 miles. There was a headwind all day which made riding harder and we both got blown off the road a few times. Pretty early in the day we passed Josh

He is riding cross country too! Started in LA 
and is finishing in Boston. He is 4 weeks in
and averaging about 90 miles a day. We are 
jealous of his tailwind. It was nice seeing him 
and talking a little about our journeys and plans
. Good luck josh! 

He wasn't the only traveler we saw that day. 
About 30 miles later we ran into another 
cross country cyclist from Korea. His name 
was Yang and he was super excited to meet 
us and talk about our adventures. He was 45 
days in to the ride and after we told him about
 josh, hoping to catch up to him. 

We pulled into a motel that night just seconds
 after it started pouring. 
We met up with some of allies good friends
from Carbondale, Jen and Madi. It was great 
meeting them and they took us out to a great dinner

At the motel we also ran into another bike traveler
 who was on his fourteen day too. His name 
is Dana and he just retired from teaching graphic
 design. Here is a picture of him and Allie with their bikes...

He was wonderfully friendly and we had a good
 time talking to him. He is a 'blue-domer' and
thinks you shouldn't waste time with negative 
people. We like both those philosophies. He 
told us all about his 14 day trip and specifically
 about his new love, Cindy, who makes him 
feel like a teenager. So sweet! Here is a picture
 of the two of them. 

An some details about his bike or those 
who are interested. 

Harley Davidson Heritage
110 Anniversary model
Number 940 out of only 1900 made
103 cubic inch 

He started on the same day as us and 
already rode 3635 miles. Sounds like a 
much better plan...

Best of luck to all our fellow travelers. 
Keep the dirty side down. 

Daily stats:
Miles: 87.47mpg
Ride time: 8:10:53
Ave speed10.68mph
Max speed: 28.34mph
Elevation gain: 1649ft

Daily haiku
Endless spinning wheels 
Drifting through the Bible Belt
Kansas dreams await


1 comment:

  1. It was very enjoyable meeting the 2 of you. You reaffirm everything that is right and good with the younger generation. I decided I would give back to the earth in my retirement years, you have already started doing this how wonderful.
    I'm sure our paths will cross again under the great blue doom.
    Best of luck
