Our route today had a TON of climbing and was one of our hardest days. It was hot and Alec didn't want to put sunscreen on his wounds (that he insists I caused by running over him..!) so he wore a long sleeve shirt and covered half his face with a bandana.
We stopped in the only town of the day, Blanding, to grab some food. We stopped into the dinosaur museam too.
And we had to sign the visitor book. Also, the lady working there gave us free passes, awesome.
Right after waving goodbye to Blanding, which we knew would be our last town and services for 140 miles (except for water that night at our campsite), we ran into a fellow bike tourist, Neil, headed east. He started in San Fransisco and is headed to Shelton, CT where he lives, so we are basically on the same route just different directions! He was a cool guy, and did the entire ACA Trans-Am route last summer, and says he'd go cross country again after this trip. Wow, go Neil.
And as always, we were excited to see this sign. Alec is giving a fist pump of elation and success.
Our second to last downhill of the day!
And after cutting through this mountain we had a our last downhill...
And then we climbed..
And climbed...
And climbed.
And then after a short downhill and a couple short up hills we got to the campsite, woohoo! We were pretty exhausted. We camped at Natural Bridges State (National??) Park. And it has just what it sounds like - natural bridges! They are really cool and were formed, basically, when the river got too lazy to keep winding back and forth an just cut straight through (over a long long time). Cool stuff!
Daily stats:
Mileage: 56.5
Average speed: 8.9
Elevation gain: 4140
Cutting through canyons,
Climbing red rocks in July,
Utah services...?
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