Monday, May 20, 2013

Day 4

I'm sitting in a hotel room in Susquehanna Valley 68.22 miles from where we started at 6 am this morning. It was a hard day. We haven't been getting nearly enough sleep the last week. 
We decided to call it a day many miles short of our ambitious(read:unrealistic) goal of 100 miles. Our route also took us over a short ferry that was closed Mondays :/. This added more than 10 miles to our route. We've also decided that Pennsylvania is also the most hilly state in the world. We had just under 5000 feet of climbing. It was beautiful and the downhills were amazing, but definitely slowed us down a ton. 

On the plus side, we didn't have to carry our panniers because allies mom is amazing and is carrying our sleeping/extra gear today for a few days. It's so nice!

Our plan is to sleep here and use one of our rest days to shorten our next fees days. We are going to sleep in a little tomorrow until 7 and average about 60 miles over the next few days and get to our friend Phil's house on Thursday. Can't wait!

Of course it was raining wen we started. 

Rode by a cool solar panel farm

Stopped to eat at McDonald's still not happy about it. I had 2 McChickens and a burger, fries a drink and half a smoothie. Allie had a chicken sandwich some fries and half a smoothie. There was also a random bike safety packet that they were giving out. Allie read it in the playground. We are all safe now! 

We also tried using the drive through first for at least 5 minutes but they said we had to come inside.. We WILL try again. 

Daily stats: 
Ride time: 6:39:48
Ave speed: 10.23
Max speed: 44.17
Elevation gain: 4,858 ft

Daily haiku:
No panniers
But giant hills loom
Climb upward


P.s. love seeing people's reactions when we tell them where we are going. 

Our favorite sign:

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